Thursday, August 7, 2008

So Much to Do.... So Little Time!!!

That dreaded first day of school is rapidly approaching... and I'm scared out of my mind yet thrilled to death. But the more I think about it the more I realize how much I still have to do! AAAHHH!!! (As I scream silently to myself!) Lessons to plan, a classroom to decorate, training with the district, oh and work- guess I gotta pay the bills somehow!

Yesterday I was finally able to make it out to Magna to check out the school, my classroom and finally meet the principal. Being the nutcase that I am, I got off work at 7am went home showered and changed clothes and headed out there. It was so nice to finally put a face with a name! I really think I am going to like it at Brockbank. So far everyone I have met is wonderful.

I'm so happy to have a classroom now. Now it is time to decorate and make it mine! It is going to need a lot of work- the teacher who was there before left it kinda messy but that is A-OK- gives me something to do (as if I don't have enough to do already! lol!!). The only question is when... I seem to have something going on almost everyday- and I'm picking up all the hours I can at the hospital to make up for the month that I don't get paid.... so I guess we will just see what I can do with what time I've got! I'm getting more and more excited as it gets closer (and more and more scared) but it will be great!

I will try and post a few pics one of these days soon... when I'm not at work so I can actually load the photos! Hope you all are doing well!

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