A friend of mine just emailed me another version of the famous "Facts About me" quiz that is constantly 'in giro' (sorry, I have been studying Italian all night and can't think of the English word)... Anyways, I thought I would give it a shot since it has been a while since I have done one of these....
1) WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?**Not necessarily. My parents wanted to name thier first child either Eric or Erica because of our scandinavian ancestry so luckily I was the first child- otherwise I would have been a Heidi! (Sorry to all the Heidi's out there)
2) WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?** That is a very good question. I am not sure. I don't cry often. I wanted to cry when I finally got to sleep in my own bed again after roaming for 2 weeks!
3) DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?** Most of the time I do but sometimes it is a bit sloppy. It is funny though, when I am in a hurry that is when it usually looks the best?!?! Strange I know!
4) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT?** I would have to go for ham. Preferably 'prosciutto crudo' which is an Italian style which is raw but cured... yummmmm tasty! This is making me hungry!
5) DO YOU HAVE KIDS?**NO! Thank goodness. I don't know that I want kinds. I kinda like the nephew thing- I can play and spoil Kaden then give him back to Mom and Dad when I am done. It is pretty fun :)
6) IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU?** That is a good question. I would hope I would be friends with me. But considering how stubborn and bratty I can be at times... I might think twice.
7) DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? ** Sarcasm?!?! That is my middle name! I learned from the best :)
8) DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS?** Yup! And I intend to keep them. I am not hip on the idea of ever having any kind of surgery- especially I know how a lot of proceedures are done! Craziness!
9) WOULD YOU BUNJEE JUMP?** If I were paid enough money, sure. I am too chicken though to just go do it. And of course if I did do it I would probably end up crying and screaming the whole time.
10) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?** I don't eat cereal but I do enjoy rice crispy treats and sometimes I add granola to my yogurt- I guess that would count.
11) DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF?** No- half the time my shoes don't even make it to my room. I just throw them off in the living room and they seem to stay there till the next time I want to wear them or get on a cleaning kick and put them in my closet.
12) DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG?** In what sense? Physically- I think so.. I have also been told that I am strong. Mentally- I would hope so considering the amount of school I am attempting right now! Emotionally- Maybe a little too strong at times...
13) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM?** Nocciola (hazelnut) hands down. I also like Dubblin mud slide by ben and jerrys. This summer I have been on a popsicle kick. My roommate and I go through at least 2 boxes a week if not more!
14) WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?** Eyes and mouth. Why? I think it is because when I was learning Italian I learned by watching peoples mouths as they spoke and it has kinda stuck-- But really, I don't know why...
15) RED OR PINK?** This is an easy question for me. Red hands down. Not just because I am a UTE through and through, but pink is just too girly for me. Though, in recent years I have expanded my taste adding a little (very little) pink to my wardrobe.
16) WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF?** There are almost too many to list! But lets say I don't like that I am not good at communicating my feelings.
17) WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?** I really don't know...
18) DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO RESPOND?** Of course.. it is always fun to see what people say on these things..
19) WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING?** I am wearing blue jeans and brown shoes
20) WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?** veggies- carrots, broccoli and grape tomatoes. Tasty snacks!
21) WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?** Well, at the moment I have my ipod on shuffle so I have quite the interesting mix of music going on- everything from Ligabue (Italian rock) to Tim McGraw to Metallica. But right at this moment an Italian song called Jukebox is playing. It actually a really funny song. It is all about a jukebox. I never would have guessed that someone would write a song about a jukebox- but they did, and I love it!!!
22) IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?** I would either be purple or orange because they are my favorite colors.
23) FAVORITE SMELLS?** I love the smell of fresh lavendar. It brings back great memories of Italia and it is very relaxing. I also love the smell of rain- especially when I am in the mountains.
24) WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?** Someone asking for a patient's room (I am at work). I did have someone ask me today if we had funerals at the hospital... I thought it was pretty funny.
26) FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH?** That depends. If I am watching it on TV I love watching basketball. But in person I love both basketball and baseball.
27) HAIR COLOR?** currently it is multi-colored... a redish brown with blonde highlights. This reminds me I need to get it done again soon...
28) EYE COLOR?** Blue or green depending on the day
29) DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS?** Depends on the day and how tired I am and whether I am going out or not. Most of the time I am too lazy to put in my contacts and just resort to the good old glasses.
30) FAVORITE FOOD?** Al Italiana!!! But I am sure most of you know that :)
31) SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?** If I had to pick I would say happy ending but honestly the happy endings are too predictable and not realistic. I like movies that have the more realistic endings.
32) LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?** In the movie theatres I last saw The Bourne Ultimatum. At home/ or work I think I last watched the Disney version of Pinocchio- which I must say is pretty bad. Especially now since I am taking an Italian course that is all about Pinocchio. I am amazed at how many versions are out there of Pinocchio! The best I have seen so far is the version that came out a few years ago with Roberto Benigni. It is hillarious especially if you have read the origional version of the book!
33) SUMMER OR WINTER?** I am not a big fan of either- especially considering where I live. Utah is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.. Man, I really need to move somewhere it doesn't get too hot or too cold! My favorite season is definately fall- because of the beautiful colors and the temperature is perfect!
34) HUGS OR KISSES?** Depends on who from... If they are coming from my nephew Kaden, I will definately take both! But I will never turn down a good hug!
35) FAVORITE DESSERT?** Lately I would have to say Tiramisu.. I found a killer recipe and look for any good excuse to make it and share with my neighbors.
36) WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING RIGHT NOW?** At the moment the list is quite long so here it goes: L'Italiano, Pinocchio (The Italian Version), Torino e' Casa Mia, Il Nuovo Pinocchio, Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century, Models of Teaching, Classroom Management, Understanding by Design, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong... I think that about covers it for now...
38) WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT?** I haven't watched TV in a few days... the last thing I remember watching is The Rock of Love- I am additcted... I love Brett Michaels! :)
39) FAVORITE SOUNDS?** The roar of a Harley Davidson- I like it even more if I am on one :) I also love the sound of rain.
40) ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES?** I like both but if I had to pick one I would definately go with the Rolling Stones
41) WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME?** Italy. Hopefully someday I will go even farther :)
42) DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT?** I don't know about special but I love photography
43) WHERE WERE YOU BORN?** I was born in O-Town. Ogden Utah.