Saturday, October 4, 2008

And I'm back in the game!

I always loved that quote from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You and it seems to fit perfectly. After about a week of internet issues due to modems, routers and of course computers, I am back. I can finally give in to my obsessions of blogging, facebook and myspace! Wahoo!

I just had to add this picture because last week as I was getting ready to head to a friends house for a party, I realized that my hair is finally getting long again! After a long road of trying to grow it out, it is finally getting there! And you do have to admit, I look pretty good too! (lol) Now if only I could get a date....

Last weekend at my friend Erika's (yes that is Erika with a k) birthday party, I finally got the chance to play Rock Band for the first time. OMG!!!!!!! I had so much fun! I am a terrible singer but it was fun nonetheless!

What else....

Oh, how can I forget.... Finally, FINALLY my "class from hell" has changed a bit. It was a rough class and I think I was about to burst!

Today I got my birthday present from Tyler. Yes, I know, it is a bit early but I appreciate it and was so excited! He and Darci gave me their old entertainment center and it fits perfectly in my apartment! I love it! Now, all I need is a little something to sit on and I am good to go! It feels so good to finally be getting settled again. Maybe my chaotic life will get a little less chaotic now... wishful thinking, I know but a girl can wish can't she?!?!?!?!


Kaija said...

You are beautiful and I'm glad you are feeling back in the game! Can you please add me to the email list under settings -- email -- so that I get emailed each time you put up a new post? THANKS!

Darci said...

CUTE cute picture- i love it. you are gorgeous :) i'm glad the entertainment center fit too-

Darci said...

i TAGGED you- see my blog

Karen said...

yay I finally got the invitation to work! So annoying. Glad your back in the game, Love 10 things I hate about you! Love the pic too! Your hair looks really good! How short was it before?

The Bender Family said...

I LOVE your hair! you look totally HOT!! I have a couch and love seat if you want them... They don't look the best, but I also have covers for them so they look a lot better. It's the same couches my parent's got new when we were in
4th grade. But don't let that discourage you...They're in pretty good condition. I could email you pics if you want! The only thing is you'd have to arrange to get them to your place. I don't have a truck or anything...darn it! Plus, you can't beat free!!