Monday, May 26, 2008

Capitol Reef

For Memorial weekend I went to Capitol Reef with Patrick, Angie and her daughter. It was a lot of fun. I had never visited any of the national parks in the state- sad I know. I always joke about how I had to take an out-of-stater to visit the sites in my own state (Patrick is from Pennsylvania). Anywho, we were a little weary about the weather but we went anyway and I'm so glad we did because it was great weather... well, with the exception of the nights. We headed down on Friday morning and got there around 4pm. We camped at a small campground about an hour away from most of the sites there... it was only 20 miles but those twenty miles were bumpy dirt roads so we couldn't go much more than 20 mph... So, Friday we set up camp and hung out. Saturday we got up and headed out for a few hikes and to see the sites. We saw a small waterfall, the Heikman's Bridge which is a natural bridge we hiked to, petroglyph's, and some amazing rock formations. It was insanely beautiful and I would love to go back and do more hiking and see more of Southern Utah. One of these days!
I was sure to take TONS of pictures... because that is what I do :) so, here are a few of them!

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