Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm Getting Married!

Yup, you read that correctly.
I am getting married!
I am super excited and can't wait to start this new chapter in my life.
He even picked out the ring all on his own! I was quite impressed. 
Doesn't it look totally GORGEOUS?!!!
It's been an exciting day. 
I hope you all had a fabulous day as well! 


Melanie said...

Auguroni! That's so exciting! I'm very happy for you Erica.

Melanie said...

P.S. When is the big day? Or do you know yet?

Bel said...

WOOHOO!! That's the best news I have heard in a long time! I am so incredibly happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Love the ring. When is the big day?

E-ca said...

Thanks ladies :)

Our wedding day is still in the works but it will be in November sometime - that much we do know. :) I'll let you know details as they unfold!

Erin said...

So excited! Congrats cousin! Bachelorette party?!

E-ca said...

Of course Couz! I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Erin said...

I haven't sent you my address (stupid blocked facebook at work!)


1732 Webster St. #204
Oakland, CA 94612