Friday, May 4, 2007


That was me just a few days ago...3 days of no sleep (literally) to finish my paper which didn't turn out that great in the end... But the semester is finally over and I have to admit that it feels great. It was a hell of a semester! Now we just have to hope I don't have to retake any courses. That would suck! So, you may ask what does a girl do when she finishes the semester from hell??

She goes to Disneyland of course! A much needed and deserved break! Ramon and I have an exciting trip planned and we head out bright and early Monday morning. 2 days at Disneyland and 1 day at Seaworld. It will be a pretty quick trip. Just enough to get away and have some fun for a few days. I can't wait!!

As for the rest of the summer... No classes for me! Wow, how strange. It has only been 3 days since school got out and I am already wondering what to do. I am not used to having free time like this. I have a lot of little projects that I hope to get done before I go back to school in August. And a lot of BBQ's out on the balcony with my neighbors before I move.

Oh yeah, I haven't mentioned that yet... I am moving at the end of July. I just can't justify taking out much more in student loans to stay in SLC when I will be doing my student teaching closer to home. It will be good to spend more time with the family- one thing I don't get to do a whole lot of now...

Anyways, I will be sure to post some pics from the trip and update y'all again soon! Ciao~

1 comment:

Tessa's Blog said...

Hey Lady,
Congrats on finishing the paper--Im sure your quite happy to be done with that. I can tell you Id be going to Hawaii for a few weeks--but then theres that thing with money. Anyway nice job. You'll have to tell us how your trip goes. Now don't come back married or anything :) I am sure you guys will have a blast. Well have yourself a great summer and check in every once in a while I am hoping to put up some interesting pics from Ak this summer or Russia in the Fall. Take Care